Wednesday 28 March 2007

Bebo opens music store,,2044180,00.html

This story combines aspects of the "EPIC" video (the element about the creation of social networking websites such as Bebo, Myspace etc.) and music on the internet.

Websites like Bebo and Myspace are continuing to expand and membership is becoming a lot more popular, and so music downloads are being introduced in order to promote bands and their music.

Bebo are only allowing certain organisations to supply their services, and they are using music firm 7 didgital for this along with "indiestore".

The service is available for consumers in the UK, USA, Ireland, Australia, Canada and New Zealand.
Bebo's UK audience has apparently increased by 10% in just a month (January 2007 to February).


At 29 March 2007 at 12:07 , Blogger Ms Johnson said...

interesting Ed, is "7 Digital" the name of the company?

At 29 March 2007 at 16:35 , Blogger Ed said...

apparently it's a web music firm, i don't know a lot about it


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